BDO / 22 Wellington
Commissioned by Alchemy and BDO, this new 8000m2 multi-tenanted office complex occupies a brownfields site and comprises 5 storeys and 4 levels of parking. The design concept emanates from the strong sculptural forms of massed concrete boxes which almost appear to defy gravity.
After evaluating the existing building and staggered nature of the site, it became clear that it would be more financially viable to demolish the existing building and rebuild using a more efficient structural layout that allowed for wider floor plates.
Early and continuous liaison with the Parktown Residents’ Association influenced the choice of a chocolate coloured onyx brick which is used vertically, sloped, corbelled and as a faggot on the soffits. The two material forms, concrete and brickwork, were played off against each other to create a series of sliding carved masses.
Equal attention was given to the strip windows which are self-supporting in large sections and also allow natural ventilation into the building, reducing the need for air-conditioning. The glass technology used was very much in line with new specifications outlined in SANS 204 & 10400XA. The atrium introduces more natural light and soffits were insulated for improved thermal comfort. Exterior lighting has been kept to a minimum to reduce light pollution.
Most of the trees on site were retained. Additionally, the road design at St David’s and St Andrews roads was upgraded to assist the JRA.
A publicly accessible restaurant was introduced into the design. This element is blocked off from the rest of the building, and embraces the street with a roof garden, planter boxes and trees that invite people to enter.