News In the fast changing world of digital media, Paragon Group launches a new website
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Although construction generally moves slowly, digital media moves very fast. Paragon Group has revamped its website. To give you an opportunity to grab a fast view of what we have been up to, we will be issuing a monthly newsletter, which will include some of our latest projects, what the people in our office have been up to and also developments within the profession and also the Construction Industry.
Our website covers our Portfolio, our People, the Company, our Awards, the Media and Careers.
If in the detail we have misspelt your name, we apologise and request that you send us an update. Or, if you don't wish to receive the news letter, please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
Otherwise we hope you enjoy the insights of our crazy world of Architecture and Construction in South Africa and abroad.
Project Watch: Sasol Place unites 3000 Sasol Head Office Staff
After achieving practical completion at the end of 2016 Sasol, started moving into their building after three years of intense work by Paragon Architects and Paragon Interface. The shining new interiors balace with the indigenous gardens and staff facilities that enhance the concept of 'One Sasol'. See more about the building here.
Paragon Interface worked very closely with Sasol staff to ensure that this building was not just a structure but a reflection of how the company had evolved. See more about the building here.
Project Watch:
Alice Lane 3 completes the Alice Lane precinct and adds a new dimension to its Piazza
With the completion of Alice Lane 3, an exciting and new space has evolved between the various buildings of the Alice Lane Precinct. This offers a great opportunity to enjoy dining and leisure activities in the balmy climate of Johannesburg.
See more of the project here.
Project Watch:
Paragon Architects South Africa completes a refurbishment at 72 Grayston Drive
Paragon Architects South Africa completed an eye-catching refurbishment project at 72 Grayston Drive, Sandton. The envelope has been improved with double glazing, and a new aluminium slatted cladding system was added to the existing structure.
The interiors were done by Ink and have a great African feel with dynamic patterns, colour and furniture to finish the building off. The building is an entrant for the #Sapoa2017, Awards for Innovative Excellence.
See the project here.
Paragon Group completes its sixth Amazing Race Teambuild Series
Paragon Group held its sixth Amazing Race Series on Friday 31 March 2017. Fifteen teams raced around the city and then to Delta Park where a series of Survivor tasks were completed. These included Orienteering, Disc Golf (Delta has a great course, by the way), knitting and 'Fear Factor' type eating.
People Paragon Staff
Students at Paragon Architects and Paragon Interface Graduate
Paragon Architects and Paragon Interface had nine students graduating from various universities in a variety of degrees this month.
These included Ffyona McCaffery (MTech(Prof)/ UJ), Chris Rojas (BArch/UJ) Katy Harris (MTech(Prof)/ UJ) Marli Swanepoel (MArch (Prof)/ UP), Katrin Tenem (MTech (Prof)/UJ), Jason di Bon (BTech/UJ), Andrew Pheiffer (BAS/ Wits), Kgaugelo Lekalekalo (BAS/ UCT), Kelsey Smith (B Int Arch (Hons)./UP). Congratulations to all of them and we wish success and happiness in your future careers.
People Paragon Interface visit the Milan Furniture Fair
Paragon Staff Claire D'Adorante, Kirsty Schoombie, Jenna Monteith, Anthony Karam and Anthony Orelowitz and Cindy Faux visited the Milan Furniture Fair during April 2017.
" The Milan Fair was an experience in which you long for an extra set of eyes to see, an extra pair of feet to walk and an extra mind to inspire. It was the time of our lives and we were deeply enriched by the worldly designs, chic culture, and superb food. What an experience. "
Jenna Monteith/ Paragon Interface
Awards & Competitions
Pressure increases for the SAPOA Awards of Innovative Excellence
The Paragon Group has submitted seven entries for the Sapoa Award for Innovative Excellence.
2016 was a year in which the Group completed its widest range of building types. As a result we have entered almost every category for SAPOA 2017.
See more about SAPOA here